• 4 reviews
Operata Collector
Security impact analysis

Operata Collector
Operata Collector
Operata Collector
Operata Collector
Operata Collector

Discover the Top-Rated Chrome Extension For Cloud Contact Center Performance: Operata Collector

When it comes to browser security , online safety , and data protection , Chrome extensions play a crucial role. Among the top chrome extensions for enhancing internet privacy and online security is the Operata Collector for Chrome . This Chrome extension has an exceptional aggregate rating of 5.0 out of 5, making it an excellent tool for web security and secure browsing.

Diving into Operata Collector's Outstanding Features

Operata Collector is a performance monitoring and assurance platform designed specifically for cloud contact centers. This Chrome security extension offers extensive features for comprehensive data collection, including WebRTC data, agent system data, network data, CCaaS logs, agent feedback reporting, and headset data metrics.

By providing a complete view of agent environmental data and call events, Operata Collector helps to identify and resolve behavioral and technology issues. With insights into agents' hardware and equipment, IT teams can easily diagnose problems, monitor changes over time, and ensure secure password storage.

Empowering Agents with Self-Service Features

Operata Collector stands out among Chrome privacy extensions for its agent self-service features. The streamlined agent messenger informs agents of issues like congested bandwidth, background noise, and audio latency, empowering them to resolve these issues themselves. Agents can also report issues to support teams quickly, providing the necessary calls, system, and network data for efficient problem-solving.

Transparent Data Collection For Improved Customer Experience

One of the many reasons behind Operata Collector's high rating is its commitment to transparent data collection. This Chrome extension continually collects and stores softphone diagnostic and support logs without any interruption or agent involvement. By correlating call, system, and network data, Operata Collector enables teams to troubleshoot issues that impact customer experience effectively.

Operata Collector: A Versatile Chrome Extension for Numerous Platforms

Operata Collector for Chrome is compatible with a variety of platforms, including Genesys Cloud CX, Amazon Connect CCP, NICE CXone, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Zendesk, and 3rd Party Softphones & Agent Desktops. This versatility makes it an essential tool for enhancing Chrome privacy settings, internet security, and browser privacy settings across various platforms.


Given its rich features, positive user feedback, and high rating, Operata Collector for Chrome proves to be a top extension for cloud contact centers. Its commitment to data protection, privacy protection, and secure browsing ensures that it stands out among Chrome privacy extensions, making it highly recommended for those seeking enhanced browser security and online privacy.

Easy collection and correlation of call, system & network data.

Provides a complete view of agent environmental data.

Gain insights into agents' computing equipment performance.

Facilitates agent self-resolve issues.

Streamlines call quality feedback and issue reporting.

Requires installation as a chrome extension.

Dependent on specific platforms like Genesys, Amazon Connect, Salesforce.com.

May need training for agents to effectively use.

Not every feature available for all platforms.

Continuous data collection might pose privacy concerns.

4 reviews
1 Reviews For This Extension
Eeron Akselrod

The fact Google allow this to be installed without notifying users and that employers can monitor every move without the employees knowledge is rude, unethical and show Google cannot be trusted by users for their privacy. Yes if you use a work computer it is the employer rights to do so but it should not be done without notifying users it was installed and to provide some explanation what data is being collected.

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